Monday, May 09, 2005

101 in 1001 - Whew!

  1. Lose 50 lbs (not original, but necessary!)
  2. Get my teeth fixed
  3. Quit smoking (for good!)
  4. Crochet an afghan for Clayton
  5. Crochet an afghan for Ronnie
  6. Pay off my car
  7. Save $10,000
  8. Set up a payment plan for my student loans
  9. Establish a "master" birthday list for friends and family
  10. Increase my salary 50%
  11. Find a church and go weekly
  12. Complete "The Purpose Driven Life"
  13. Buy a digital camera
  14. Go 1 month without fast food
  15. Blog every day for a month
  16. Finish writing the first three books in a series
  17. Get my husband to the doctor
  18. Keep my living room clean for a month
  19. Make my bed every day for a month
  20. Keep a journal for my kids to have when then move out
  21. Start college funds for my children
  22. Visit the grave of my daughter
  23. See Mount Rushmore
  24. Visit Yellowstone
  25. Get my vehicle registered
  26. Get a Wyoming driver's license (or one for whichever state I am living in!)
  27. Obtain a copy of my birth certificate
  28. Visit my father in Denver
  29. Go to the Smithsonian
  30. Sleep at least 8 hours a night for one week
  31. Convince the dog to not poop in the house
  32. Win a company contest
  33. Go white water rafting
  34. Plant flowers - and maintain them for an entire season
  35. Get Ronnie baptized
  36. Renew my wedding vows
  37. Have Ron adopt Clayton
  38. Declutter house and donate items to charity
  39. in 2006
  40. in 2007
  41. Keep bathroom *clean* for a month - including yucky boy mess
  42. Teach Clayton to cook something other than Ramen Noodles
  43. Cook every night for a week
  44. Read the bible - the whole thing!
  45. Complete action packs for VOM
  46. "leave behind" six books for bookcrossing
  47. Meet a neighbor
  48. Purchase a house
  49. read the "Teenage Liberation Handbook"
  50. Take my medication *as prescribed* every day for a week
  51. For a month
  52. Get all my bills caught up - at once
  53. Pay all my bills on time for a month
  54. for six months
  55. Establish a "chore chart"
  56. Follow it for a week
  57. For a month
  58. Help Clayton keep a journal
  59. Visit my sister in law in California
  60. Send out my Christmas cards on time
  61. Discover how dry cleaning works
  62. Get a facial
  63. Get a pedicure
  64. Go swimming - in a swimming suit
  65. Research the ads and take advantage of coupons/price matching for one grocery trip
  66. For two grocery trips
  67. Buy my husband 5 new pairs of pants
  68. Transition Ronnie out of "night night" underwear
  69. Teach Luke to heel
  70. Go to the park once a week for a month
  71. Go to the Library once a week for a month
  72. Watch a movie in a theater
  73. Research Lasik
  74. Have lasik performed if a viable option
  75. Get Clayton back into martial arts lessons
  76. See a doctor about the weird mole type things under my arms
  77. Make a counseling appointment regarding my mental health
  78. Go to the appointment
  79. More than once
  80. Join a dart league
  81. Learn the correct pronunciation of "salonpas"
  82. Learn every country in Africa
  83. Figure out how an internal combustion engine works
  84. Buy a new computer
  85. Watch a foreign film I have never heard of
  86. Teach Ronnie to tie his own shoes
  87. Buy a houseplant
  88. Keep the houseplant alive for a month
  89. Eat fish 2x in one week
  90. Eat breakfast everyday for a week
  91. Clean out my car
  92. Host a *grown up* party
  93. Surprise my husband with a date - and a hotel room
  94. Start a "Family Tree" for my kids
  95. Make a photo collage for my mother
  96. Volunteer - somewhere!
  97. Research and form an opinion regarding Creationalism
  98. Read Plato's "Republic"
  99. drink a gin and tonic
  100. Adopt a child from the "angel tree"
  101. Finally go on a honeymoon......

Edited 7/30/07 to relfect what has been done so far!


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